Beneteau 42 from Modern Sailing in Sausalito August 27, 2014

Our TrackYesterday I sailed out of Sausalito for the first time. Amy invited me to join the Modern Sailing club cruise on a Beneteau 42, a much larger and more luxurious boat than I’m used to. There were six people, including the skipper provided by Modern Sailing, and it cost $50 a head. I doubt they make any money on these cruises, but it’s how they keep people active in the club.

This Saturday, I’m scheduled to join a different group on a Beneteau 40 from Club Nautique in Sausalito. Nine people at $60 a head, so that probably more accurately reflects what the boats cost.

Yesterday I took the short bus to the train to San Francisco, where Amy picked me up for the 45-minute drive to Sausalito. Same on the way back. There are two ferries from San Francisco to Sausalito, but they don’t run until 11 am, because most commuters go the other way in the morning. There’s a bus from San Francisco, but Amy says they don’t stick to their schedule well. I may have to drive up there Saturday.

My favorite photo from yesterday is, as usual, a cute little wooden ketch with main, mizzen, jib, and staysail all set:

Wooden Ketch

I haven’t been up to S.F. since they opened the new Oakland bridge, and the demolition of the old bridge has an apocalyptic feel. Yerba Buena Island on the right, Alcatraz on the left, Treasure Island in front of the bridge:

Demolition of Oakland Bay Bridge

We sailed on the flood, that is, the current was flowing into the bay, the same direction as the wind, so the water was quite calm. This is as rough as it got, and note the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge:

Relatively Calm Water Under Golden Gate

It’s often extremely rough outside the Golden Gate, but not on this day. This is looking back toward the bay from our farthest point, between Point Lobos and Point Bonita, beyond which the sailboat’s insurance is no good:

Golden Gate

There’s a lot of traffic to dodge, like this ship after we sailed back into the bay:

Large Ship Traffic

It’s cool to live here, where most people must pay a lot to visit on vacation. One of the most beautiful spots on earth:


Amy and the skipper:

Amy and the Skipper

Sails, and radar:

Sails, Mast, Radar